I’m Adam, the CEO of Muscle Up Meals here.
I want to personally take a moment and let you know that we are doing everything humanly
possible above and beyond any other medium of receiving food during this crisis. We are
working closely with the CDC, FDA, and local officials to ensure we’re maintaining the highest
level of updated information, now more than ever during these uncertain times.
We’ve been receiving questions from customers about how we are handling the coronavirus
epidemic and we’d like to inform you that Muscle Up Meals is exceptionally well prepared.
With an influx of new customers who are trying to avoid grocery stores altogether. Not only are
grocery stores packed full of people, which is exactly what should be avoided, but many of
the shelves are empty or will be soon, whereas our sources are more direct through local farms
and distributors who are not working within the same supply-chain as traditional supermarkets.
Our GMP, Sanitation, and HACCP programs eliminate reasonable probability of any virus existing
or spreading within our facility that is specifically designed to be able to be safe from food borne
pathogens which makes us much more resilient to situations like this vs a grocery store or a
Grocery stores, restaurants, and traditional “app based” food delivery platforms do not follow
such rigorous procedures and not only do they have more employees, but each one comes in
contact with hundreds if not thousands of customers daily. In fact, often times “app based”
delivery services who pick up from restaurants or grocery stores make contact with people that
work at these establishments who make contact with the hundreds or thousands of others. Or
they work on other app based platforms where they meet and greet countless others on a daily
basis. Muscle Up Meals never makes contact with any customer directly, we also don’t handle
cash or cards in person. statistically according to the CDC’s current guidelines on coronavirus,
Muscle Up Meals is statistically by far one of your safest options for food.
The following below further supports that our food is safe, directly quoted from the CDC:
CDC Food Guidance: “Coronaviruses are generally thought to be spread from person-to-person
through respiratory droplets. Currently there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-
19 associated with food…In general, because of poor survivability of these coronaviruses on
surfaces, there is likely very low risk of spread from food products or packaging at ambient,
refrigerated, or frozen temperatures.”- https://www.cdc.gov

I’d like to outline the 14 most important things we plan to do:

  1. Use sanitizer the moment they step foot into our kitchen. (we have no-touch dispensers so no
    handling of the machines are done directly)
  2. Sanitize every door knob, table, and anything people will touch.
  3. Spray antiviral in public areas of the kitchen (away from food of course).
  4. Wear gloves and change them often.
  5. Wear facemasks when in the facility at all times.
  6. All employees must change into one of our uniforms immediately on entering the facility and
    maintain proper hygiene. Shower before entering the kitchen and continue to maintain a sterile
  7. If a team member notices anyone who has a fever or dry cough, they are to immediately
    distance themselves from them and report the situation to a supervisor and myself immediately.
  8. Conduct wellness checks to confirm the health of each employee before entering our kitchen.
  9. Installing advanced technology air treatment systems to reduce the risk of viruses.
  10. Mandate hand-washing every hour and between tasks.
  11. Our managers have always been certified in food safety, on a much higher level than
    traditional requirements. These additional certifications include more stringent requirements
    and awareness when it comes to food safety.
  12. Increased frequency of sanitation of our food facility.
  13. We have moved our tables further apart from each other to reduce human-to-human direct
    contact, if ever a situation were to arise where we may feel that we need to send someone
    home. There are sanitizing wipes at each door and entryway, and everytime they are handled,
    they must be sanitized.
  14. We have also reduced our staff to only 8 of our most well trained chefs in matters of health
    and safety, some of which have agreed to even use our facility’s living quarters located on the
    upstairs of our food manufacturing plant if the situation were to continue to worsen, to
    minimize their exposure to the outside elements. Most meal delivery companies, especially
    larger ones can have hundreds of employees within their facility at any given time, possibly
    exposing each other.

Muscle Up Meals Food Safety Certifications and Protocols:

FDA Compliance – Our facility complies with all guidance and regulation under the FDA food

FDA Compliance – Our facility complies with all guidance and regulation under the FDA food

GMP – We train all our staff to follow Good Manufacturing Practices including hand-washing,
gloves, hairnets, personal protective equipment.

SSOP – We strictly enforce our Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures ensuring our food
manufacturing process remains sanitary at all times.
HACCP – Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points. We analyze and address the probability of all
food safety hazards to mitigate risk and implement preventative controls.

CDC / WHO – We are monitoring and will continue to comply with guidance from the Centers for
Disease Control, and World Health Organization.

Thank you for taking the time to read through our policy, as always I am available tirelessly day
and night for anyone that has any further questions about the matter. We have outlined some
of our proceedures on this email, but if you’d like more information you can email
Some customers have also asked us about whether we will continue to have product or goods to
cook and supply food. In response I have stocked out freezer with 1,500 pounds of meat and
frozen vegetables in the event that all of our current supply-chains, farmers, and even markets
were to run out. We will be able to continue making meals for a period after.
We hope that you’ll stay safe and that a speedy resolution will come to light to resolve this
pandemic. In the meantime we will be happy to provide safe and reliable support to you, your
family, friends and loved ones.

Best Regards,
Adam K
Muscle Up Meals CEO